Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Birthday Pony

Today is Truby's 18th birthday! I guess now she can finally take up smoking, do some gambling, and enlist in the military. Or maybe she'll just get lots of cookies and a good grooming.

Birthday cookies: check!

 Birthday friends stopping by?: Check!

Getting to bury your head in a giant pile of hay? Check!

 Baby Truby, just 5 days old

 Right after I got her, about 4-5 months

6 months old

 Long yearling, enjoy the snow.
she's so fuzzy!

Horse show just a few years ago

We've had lots of wonderful memories since that hot August afternoon that Truby arrived in my life, almost 18 years ago. I had only planned to keep her a few years while I was in school, and then sell her. How much better life has been that I kept her instead! Happy birthday, little gray horse. I love you! 


  1. How cute are those baby pics!

    1. She was so cute and tiny! I have a good ol' fashioned photo album of Truby pics, and it's so fun to look through.

  2. Happy Birthday Truby! She was a super cute foal :D


 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...