Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Perfect Princess Pony Returns

That's me!

Sunday was a lovely day, warm and sunny, but not overwhelmingly so. I was heartbroken to find I couldn't keep my last appointment of the day filled. It was booked and canceled several times, and, ah shucks, no takers meant I got to leave early! So of course I went right out to the barn to spend time with the cutest grey horse. 

She was happy to see me, and a bit sleepy. All the horses were dozing in the afternoon sun. I took Truby for a walk on the Backyard Trail. We haven't been out in awhile, but over the last few weeks, the barn owner has been working back there, so the trees have been trimmed back which makes it much nicer! 

This time of year there's even some grass. I think it grows up into tall, dry, reedy weedy grass, but when it first comes up it's nice green yumminess. It's also hidden among weeds of some sort, so Truby has to work a bit to snack, and not just shovel it into her mouth. 


After our walk/graze, I turned her out in the big field and let her mosey around while I went and puttered around the barn. After about 20 minutes, I took her for a second walk on the trail. She continued to be super relaxed and well behaved, so when we got back to the barn, I tacked her up and hopped on. She got a little prancey and silly as I pointed her toward the open gate (I'm being so naughty! I'm escaping!) but I just laughed, draped my leg firmly against her sides and told her to chill out. She was still a bit up, but once we hit the actual trail, she relaxed fully and slowed into a nice pace. The trail isn't that long (barely a quarter mile loop) but it's a nice one, and it feels just like a 'real' trail ride, not just walking through the backyard.

 Oddly green right now

I was really pleased with how relaxed she was. Ears up, body relaxed, and interested in her surroundings, but not overly so. On the way back in, I decided to be a little daring, and turned her into her turnout pasture. In my experience, horses tend to lose their minds the first time or two they're ridden in their turnout areas. Not sure if it's just me, or in general they're like "BUT THIS IS WHERE I PLAY?!" So I was ready for her to be silly. But no, she was good as gold. We walked a large loop around before heading back to the barn and getting showered in hugs and treats. 

My goal is to jump that log. It's tiny, but I really want to.

I was so happy! Not only was it just a really nice afternoon with my horse, but it was nice to see her back to her normal self after her stressy few days prior. She soaked up the praise and loving, and seemed quite proud of herself. It was a perfect way to spend an afternoon. 

1 comment:

 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...