Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Truby of the Flies

About two weeks ago, when life was almost normal, I got home from work on a Saturday afternoon, made up some grain for Truby, and told my husband a really, really dumb thing.

"I'm just going to the barn for a minute. I need to drop off her feed, give her a pat and maybe a cookie, then I'll be home."

Yup. That just invites trouble!

All seemed well at first. Truby was hanging out by the parking area, and whinnied loudly at me. "Hi, I'm Truby!!! I need COOKIES! And ATTENTION!!!"

Not Saturday, but her usual face when people come to visit

I laughed and went over to give her some pets. I noticed right away her eyes seemed swollen and teary. Great. But, it also appeared to be the first time the flies were out, so it was probably just rubbing.

I went into the barn to drop off the grain, and met Truby over at the gate. A better check of her face made me think she had just been rubbing her face trying to get rid of the flies. Although she did have some thicker goopies in her eye, it was mostly tearing. I took some pictures for reference (just in case it got worse) and went back to grab her fly mask.

She seemed increasingly miserable, and I thought about putting her in her stall. I also thought she'd immediately go out into her run and still be standing in the sun, so what would be the point? I started to leave, guilt got the better of me, and I went back to bring her in.

Doesn't want to open her poor eys

First hint that something more might be amiss came when it took FOREVER to walk her to her stall. Was it because I was leading her in just by her fly mask, and it was ouchy pulling on her face? Was she having trouble seeing because of the wickedly bright Arizona sun? Lazy?

When we made it to her stall I decided to get another set of eye pictures (without the blinding sun in the background) and Truby just stood there. She didn't go check out her hay, she didn't go to her treat toy. Just stood there. She was shaking her head a bit more than normal, even after I put her fly mask back on. I checked her vitals. All normal.

Ignore the unbuckled halter

I put her halter on, and lead her down the aisle. She listed hard to one side, and almost seemed drunk. And maybe lame? GREAT. I checked her feet and legs, nothing. Now I was worried. I went in search of the barn owner for a second opinion. We checked her over again and came to the conclusion that Something was Not Right. Sometimes it seemed like she "felt" with her feet before taking a step, like she was blind or not sure where the ground was. She bumped into the wall by accident and scared herself. Had she gotten into something toxic? Her gums were nice and pink, her vitals normal. We were talking about what could be wrong when I realized Truby was standing in front of a completely open stall door and making no attempt to break out, or even sight see. She wasn't nuzzling us, or poking around for cookies. She was just standing there.

The left eye was worse

That being completely NOT Truby, I called the vet. I've seen her more active after being sedated. After having her teeth done a few weeks ago, she got loose from her stall and went staggering around looking for snacks. (It was hilarious.) So to just stand, totally disinterested? Normal vitals be damned, something was wrong!

Of course it was already past closing on a Saturday afternoon, so I left a message for the vet on call and settled down to wait. 15 minutes later I realized my phone had lost service. Oops. I jumped in thy car and drove up to where I'd get service, missing a call from the vet (it rang, but my phone went 'just kidding!' and cut out) after a bit of phone tag, I talked to the vet, who told me something definitely seemed wrong, but she couldn't tell me what it was or if it was an emergency without seeing her. Fair enough. She had another emergency she was working with, but would call me back.

Glad I brought her out of the sun, even with her mask

I decided to go home and wait. Within an hour we met back at the barn. Truby was neighing for attention, which is always a good sign. By this time it was dusk, and quite a bit cooler. I repeated the information I had gathered that afternoon, and brought Truby out to be examined. She was walking much more normally, but still seemed footsore. The vet gave her a quick once over, and then had me walk her back and forth a bit before taking her for a spin. The good news was that she was crossing over and stepping in ways that ruled out neurological problems.

She examined her again, being extremely thorough. She grabbed the hoof testers and checked her feet. She checked her neck and spine. Checked for sand, colic, etc, etc, etc.

All the while, Truby was getting perkier. And bored. And fidgety. Which was such a relief! She was back to her normal self. That alone was a huge worry gone.

Finally, she checked her eyes again. She determined no abrasions or lacerations (yay!) and gave them a good rinse and some medicine in the worse eye. At first, Truby pulled away, but the rinse must have felt really good, because she started leaning into it. She got a shot of banamine, just for extra comfort, and the vet came to the conclusion that my horse is over dramatic.

By this time M and Cinco had come back from their outing, and M pointed out that Truby had been moving similarly to a time last year when she had overheated. (THAT was SCARY) So had Truby been irritated by the flies, started rubbing her eyes until they hurt, stood out in the hot afternoon sun, getting upset because her face-hurt-and-omg-flies and started to overheat? And I happened to catch her before her body temperature started to rise? Maybe? Possibly? Probably?

Post exam, and already feeling better

The excellent news is that whatever happened, Truby recovered quickly. She was feeling much better Sunday, and totally recovered Monday afternoon. The vet does think she *might* be starting a hoof abscess, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I've been keeping her fly mask on all the time, and everyone at the barn is keeping an extra close eye on her. She's been bright eyed, chipper, and chatty. I keep wondering if I overreacted. Possibly. But I'm happy with my decision to err on the side of caution and have the vet out. An eye injury could have gotten really bad by the time normal business hours rolled around, and if she had been poisoned or exposed to something toxic, she could have died. Overheating can be dangerous as well, and this is Arizona.

I'm beyond grateful for having a really amazing vet clinic with multiple large animal vets. The doctor that came out was new, and I hadn't met her before. She was amazing - good with Truby, and good with the worried owner (me). She gave her a quick examination to rule out obvious problems, then went back and did a careful and complete exam. She listened to my worries and praised me for the steps I had taken. She also agreed that it was good she had come out (I was her fourth emergency that day, poor doc) and was happy it was a better safe than sorry. A few days later I was talking to Truby's usual vet, the owner of the practice, and I made sure to tell her how pleased I was with her new doctor. Good horse professionals can be hard to find, and Truby and I are so lucky with having a whole team of incredible people to work with!

The morning after, ready for cookies

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Finding Peace When You Can


Well, Tucson went from ho-hum, coronavirus, no big deal to OMGBUYALLTHETOILETPAPER!!!! real fast. I knew toilet paper, dried beans, and rice had been sold out everywhere for quite a few days, but I was shocked when I went to the store after work on Monday and saw all the selves that were just wiped out. Every package of pasta - gone. 95% of spaghetti sauces - gone. Soup/stock, gone. Flour, gone. Meat was almost entirely gone. I picked up my usual prescription at CVS, and almost all their first aid supplies had been gone for days, according to the pharmacist. It was a sobering, and chilling afternoon. 

I was feeling unsettled and worried so I went to visit Truby. Trubys are good comforters. She had had quite the drama-llama weekend (more later), but I was relieved to see she was walking sound and straight, and seemed totally recovered. It was a little cool, but comfortable in my tee shirt. The sun had dropped enough to be golden, but not blinding. I slipped on Truby's sidepull, gave her a cookie and got on. 

Local pack, they live on the back of the property and are "our" coyotes. 
They know the horses, the horses know them
and they're basically like farm dogs

We rode in the big turnout. Truby was striding out, loose and swingy. Ears up and enjoying herself. I felt a part of her. In tune with her movement. We both breathed deeply and occasionally stopped to close our eyes, face tilted towards the setting sun. 

I felt so relaxed, so connected to our small bit of the world. We watched "our" coyotes coming back from hunting. It's funny, all the horses know our coyotes and have no concerns about them. We've even run into them out on the Loop, and it's no big deal. OTHER coyotes alarm them, which is fine. But ours? Just part of the barn.

I count 4, of the 8 or so that came past

We took one more loop of the turnout out before heading in. Loathe to end such an lovely ride, I walked around the barn one last time, where we met up with Juno. She was also just enjoying the evening, but joined us for a turn around the barn.

Junie blends in, I'm always a little scared we're going to trample her by accident

This face. I love her.

You only get 2 seconds to snap a selfie before she gets bored

I'm so grateful for such a lovely evening with Truby. Horses are always so amazing at grounding us, and helping us put our fears aside. I'm always grateful to have her at such a nice little private barn, but now doubly so. No restrictions on visiting, no worries about sharing/catching anything. I'm often there by myself. 

She's going to protect me from covid19.
As soon as she's done her nap

Husband has started working from home. I guess I'll be working until we're ordered to close. When I left work we were still super busy and making appointments, but who knows what's happened since Monday, everything is changing so fast. We have lots of elderly clients, so I worry for them and hope they'll make good choices. I was lucky and hit the library before they closed. The horses have a great supply of feed, I grabbed some cat litter for Auri, and extra shaving for Truby. We have plenty of toilet paper and snacks to keep us comfortable for awhile. I'm mostly worried about the people panicking and doing dumb shit. As long as I can go to the barn and lay my head on Truby's neck, I'll be okay. 

Peace and luck to everyone out there. Be safe.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Very Truby Morning

Rocking our Maryland pride browband

Yesterday was a beautiful, Truby-rific day. We went for a ride, and she had opinions. Mare opinions. When did this happen??? We're building fitness, so it was an easyish ride. After a winter of one or both of us being sick, we need to get in shape. Truby slow and sure, and me a little more cardio-intense. We both have ahmazing abs from coughing. (More about Truby's coughing later. Mine is boring 'let's get every head cold going around Tucson' coughing. No one cares about that, even me.)

After ride cuddles

After our ride, Truby got her tail and udders washed and her tail deep conditioned. She's always been a super scrungy horse, so she needs a weekly spa to kept her fresh. It's so dry in Tucson she needs a weekly deep condition to keep her tail from turning brittle and super staticky. 

Since she was an extra good Truby, I gave her a light wetting down and let her roll and roll and roll in the sand. I can tell how good her body feels by how many times (and how easily) she flops from side to side.

Aerodynamic to get snax faster

Since it was her day in, I made sure to put carrots in her hanging toy. She's not really into "toys", but she is really into snax, and is willing to 'play' with her 'toy' to get a carrot. 

It was the Trubyiest morning ever!

 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...