Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Very Truby Morning

Rocking our Maryland pride browband

Yesterday was a beautiful, Truby-rific day. We went for a ride, and she had opinions. Mare opinions. When did this happen??? We're building fitness, so it was an easyish ride. After a winter of one or both of us being sick, we need to get in shape. Truby slow and sure, and me a little more cardio-intense. We both have ahmazing abs from coughing. (More about Truby's coughing later. Mine is boring 'let's get every head cold going around Tucson' coughing. No one cares about that, even me.)

After ride cuddles

After our ride, Truby got her tail and udders washed and her tail deep conditioned. She's always been a super scrungy horse, so she needs a weekly spa to kept her fresh. It's so dry in Tucson she needs a weekly deep condition to keep her tail from turning brittle and super staticky. 

Since she was an extra good Truby, I gave her a light wetting down and let her roll and roll and roll in the sand. I can tell how good her body feels by how many times (and how easily) she flops from side to side.

Aerodynamic to get snax faster

Since it was her day in, I made sure to put carrots in her hanging toy. She's not really into "toys", but she is really into snax, and is willing to 'play' with her 'toy' to get a carrot. 

It was the Trubyiest morning ever!

1 comment:

 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...