Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Aw, Snap!

Hello! I got a baff!

It's cold! Like, real cold, not fake Tucson cold. We've had a couple chilly nights, down into the 30s, and only into the 50s during the day. Plus wind. Near constant, howling wind. It reminds me of the bitter winter wind you get when there's at least a few inches of snow on the ground, and the wind howls, blowing the snow around and maybe a bit of icy sleet.

I woke up super early this morning, and was warm and toasty, snuggled under the blankets, and listened to the wind howl outside in the dark, and pretended there was snow and ice.

With the cold snap, Truby has gotten her legs wrapped for the first time this season. I don't know if the ceramic of the Back on Track wraps do anything magical, or just keeping her legs warm and supportive is enough, but when it dips into the 30s, wrapping keeps her from getting stiff and arthritic ouchies. I love the BoT Quik Wraps because they're EASY. They go on in seconds and stay in place. Plus I can trust just about anyone to put them on, if necessary.

She's adorable

The other day she was feeling silly, and kept moving around when I went to wrap her. Finally, when I went to put on the last wrap, she power-walked out to the outside part of her stall. Obviously I'd never be able to catch her again! Ahahaha, you clever mare! Whatever shall I do?


Last week she got a bath, and it was nice to get her squeaky clean. She had been out playing in the mucky part of her stall and was filthy! So she got a double shampoo all over, plus a nice long deep condition for her tail. 

So pretty! So clean!

15 minutes later...(sob)

Of course, that lasted all of 20 minutes or so. As soon as I let her loose, she rolled long and luxuriously in the dust, making sure to get both sides. Sigh. At least she's happy? She's also gotten a new load of sand in her outside stall, which is great, but doesn't help her stay any cleaner. She's pretty cute though, so I suppose it's worth it. The trials of owning a grey horse!

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 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...