Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Just A Nice Couple of Days

I love this view

The insanity of Thanksgiving is over for me. Since we don't have any family out here, there's no potentially stressful family gathering. Or having to prepare a big meal. Husband and I might share Thanksgiving dinner with our "Tucson Family", the folks that adopted us a bit, but we might not. Husband just started a new semester, and I'm maybe getting sick again. You know, just for fun. 

Of course, WORK and holiday insanity is a whole 'nother story. Folks. People get their pets groomed before holidays. Like, ALL OF THEM. You're not the only one that thinks, 'hey, maybe I don't want my dog to stink like a dead fish and look like an old macrame hanging when all my friends and family come over'. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD. The sheer volume of last minutes calls and overwhelming frustration and rudeness of those calling is really really hard to deal with all day, every day for weeks. The fact that it happens every year just gets really old. I've been doing this for 15 years, and believe me, I no longer care that you didn't realize Christmas is next week and your mother is in town and your dog is really gross and can't I just squeeze him in because for the tenth year in a row, you haven't figured this out yet. Sorry, all my fucks are GONE. 

Needless to say, the last week or two has been increasingly stressful as I try to do my job, do my job a little extra, and deal with the endless phone calls as cheerfully as I can. Each day last week I headed right to the barn after work for some much needed Truby Time. 

Therapy with a $400/month copay ;) 

But once I get to the barn, all that stress just melts away. Afternoons have been comfortably warm and sunny. Horses have been sleepy and happy. Truby has enjoyed lots of hugs and forehead scratches. 

A couple of days I hopped on bareback and we enjoyed a nice little ride together. Truby's been walking out with a nice forward stride. Ears up, a little sway in her step. I remembered that if I sit up and use my side abs to stabilize my back and tuck my pelvis, Truby will improve her gait, stepping more under, bringing her back up, and generally just moving nicer. 


We even did a few nice little leg yields. Which also improved her gait. What is this madness? Does anyone else know how this works?


Rare photographic evidence of me riding Truby!

One of those sunny afternoons, after our ride, Truby and I joined Cinco and his owner for a little handwalk over to the Loop Trail. It was lovely. Just one of those perfect afternoons, taking a walk with friends. Both horses really benefit from just getting off property and having a good experience (who doesn't?) Never hurts to have a short, sweet, and positive experience. Ponies even found some grasses to eat. 


After that much needed barn time, I feel relaxed again. Recharged, and like I can do it all again tomorrow. I should get a bit of a break the next week or two before Christmas Madness starts. Luckily, Truby and friends will be there. When things are stressful. When things are calm. When I really need a friend, and also when things are going well. I wish everyone had this type of accessible stress relief! I am very lucky indeed. 

...this face, lol

Happy Thanksgiving!
I have so much to be thankful for, 
and I hope you all do too <3 


  1. I don't have a dog but I am noting that maybe I should do it way ahead of the holidays (but not too ahead that they start stinking like dead fish again lol)

    1. Lol! Just make your appointment well in advance. People are shocked, SHOCKED, we don't have same day or next day. BUT, IT'S CHRISTMAS! Yup. Same time every year, gotta plan ahead.
      It's totally fine to get your pup groomed right before the holiday, just make that appointment early. (I'm already fully booked for the week before Christmas.)
      And maybe don't have a tantrum. Nothing worse than a grown ass adult having a temper tantrum because they couldn't get their dog groomed last minute. Omg, people. Chill.


 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...