Friday, December 27, 2019

Truby's Christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Ours was pretty nice. Quiet, relaxing, full of Truby. Pretty much all I want in life.

We got a bunch of rain for Christmas, which is fantastic! The horses spent Christmas Eve day in their stalls, avoiding the morning downpour. But the afternoon was warm and sunny, so I let Truby have an early Christmas present - I took off her rain sheet and let her roll in the wet sand.

Now carrying about 10 square yards of arena dirt on herself, we let her and Cinco out in the big field. Usually Cinco runs around and plays, but today Truby was feeling feisty and joined in the fun!

While they were out being wild, I spread an extra bag of fluffy shavings in Truby's stall, scrubbed her water tub and put some carrots in her hanging toy. We got even more rain that night, and it was nice to think of Truby sleeping in a big pile of fresh shavings.

Christmas day was lazy over at my house. But I managed to make it out to give Truby her presents. I don't believe in spoiling my animals on Christmas. I make sure to spoil them ALL year long. But, somehow there's always something extra on Christmas!


Thursday was bright, sunny, and warm. Knowing more (!!!!) rain was on the way, I took Truby for a nice walk on the Loop. They recently put down new footing (they spread the used bedding from the barn and it's surprising nice) and it was kinda fluffy and springy. Truby was totally chill and we had a nice afternoon walk. She declined rolling afterward, which was nice - the sheet went back on for the rain that would arrive in the night.

Today (Friday) is chilly and rainy. The mountains have lots of snow, and are just beginning to emerge from the clouds. It's in the 40s, but I'm still hoping we get some snow down in the valley!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Successfully Building Success

Super Scary trail marker

After seeing the gorgeous pictures of our last adventure, Barn Owner asked if she and her horse, Primo, could join us next time we went. This is a great idea, because (1) everything is more fun with friends! and (2) Primo is such a chill babysitter type horse. I knew he'd be a reassuring influence for Truby, and help her to relax and enjoy herself.

 Grazing before entering the wash

Unfortunately, life interrupted our plans, and Barn Owner couldn't go. But it was a beautiful day, and I had the plans in my head, so I filled my pockets with treats and off we went!

This time we met the scary delivery vans on the way down home road. This driver was much more considerate, but Truby still panicked a bit. BUT, by the time the came back past us, she was totally fine and barely reacted at all. Thank you, FedEx driver! You are awesome, and I appreciate it! Also props to the local USPS driver. He wasn't scary to Truby, but he must have seen her spook at the FedEx van, since he was extra slow as well. 

Nice man. Nice dog.

Otherwise the journey to the wash was uneventful. Truby was cheerful and willing, and less tense than our first trip.
She was happy to walk into the wash, but a bit excited and energetic. She was mannerly though. We passed an older man walking his dog. At first I was worried, as the dog was clearly off leash, but the good pup stayed right next to her owner. We exchanged pleasantries as we walked past each other, but didn't stop. Truby was disappointed, I think she wanted to meet the dog!

Would she even BE a mare if she didn't throw some side eye?

We walked a little bit farther down the wash than we did the first time, but not by too much. The sand is still deep and loose near the water. No wading in either, it was much colder than last week!

Checking out some yard work on the other side

Best pony takes a drink

I had to be aware of time, since I needed to be home, showered, and ready for an appointment that afternoon, so we didn't stay in the wash quite as long as we would have wanted. I needed to have plenty of time to take a leisurely stroll back, and hopefully undo any damage that our hasty exit last time had caused. 

Lots of time for snacks

Our relaxed trip back was entirely successful! There was lots of fresh green grass, and I let Truby stop at all the especially lush spots. She stayed totally relaxed, and even approached the trailhead rocks and decided maybe they didn't eat Trubys after all.

When we got past them, she gave the little head toss she does when she's proud of herself. I laughed, patted her neck, and she tossed her head again. It's super cute! Then she strutted all the way home. I have to admit, I was so proud of the both of us, I strutted too!

Getting another drink, because Best Desert Pony

We returned home, happy and relaxed. After picking her hooves and a little rubdown, I turned her back out with Cinco. They got back to the important business of eating hay. She wasn't upset about our adventure at all. What a perfect confidence building afternoon! 

This week it's been cold (low 30s at night, 50s during the day) and extremely windy, so no off farm adventures. Next week we should have some fun!

Cutest Christmas Pony!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

An Unplanned Adventure

Heading down home road

Last Thursday I decided to take Truby for a nice long walk to stretch her legs. While riding in the arena is fine, hand walking in the arena is the WORST. She had a bit of a cough, so I didn't want to ride her two days in a row. I opted for the good ol' Loop. But when I was walking her there, she was really dragging her feet and soooo slow. I did not want to have to keep whacking her with the lead rope all the way around the Loop. So I thought...what if we come someplace new???? And kept walking down the road. We'd done this once before, many months ago, and it was Very Exciting! While she definitely perked up, she was still calm so...we turned down the main road. Since Truby lives in an equestrian estate neighborhood, 'main road' is a bit misleading. The speed limit is low, traffic is usually only for the neighborhood and most people are used to horses being ridden or led on the road.

On main road

This was a whole new road we were going down, and Truby was really enjoying it! She was striding along nicely, interested, but not tense. I knew the trail to the wash was not far...could we make it all the way there?

I love this picture

We turned down the trail, which was Scary, because there was a couple of large rocks across the entrance in an effort to keep ATVs off the path. But, we made it past with just a little snort and a whole lot of side-eye. I actually had no idea how far it was to the wash, but there was new winter grasses for nomming, pretty scenery for looking, and a beautiful afternoon for enjoying.

She was super suspicious of this couple,
even though they said she was beautiful

It wasn't super far, but a nice stroll. I was super excited to see water reflecting the afternoon sun, and let Truby graze for a few minutes before heading down.

Being in the wash blew Truby's mind, but not in a bad way. This horse *loves* being in the washes. She likes wide, open spaces, and being able to see everything. She was definitely 'up' and super excited, but very in control.

And then the horses came. A large group of trail riders came jogging down a trail. They slowed to a walk when they saw us, and we all waved and Truby tried not to lose her mind because, omg, HORSES. They splashed through the wash behind us and we continued the other direction.

After giving them a chance to get out of sight, I turned Truby back the way we came and headed toward the water. I wasn't sure what she'd think of it, but she charged right in, stopped and took a drink. Best. Desert. Pony. Ever.


We splashed around, and for a minute I thought she was going to drop in and roll in the water. It was a bit chilly (and the water was cold!) so I'm glad she didn't. I realized the trail riders were headed back out way, and decided it was time to wrap up.

Found out my boots aren't waterproof

As we left the wash, I heard one of the riders tell the group to cross the wash and head straight. Thinking they were coming towards us, I started to hustle Truby down the path. I wanted to get her to a more open area, so we could get well away when they passed.

Truby was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed, and this was just a bit Too Much. She got Super Prancy, and although it was really pretty, I was dismayed to see the tension and nervousness start to take over. And by the time I realized the group wasn't coming our way, Truby was quite wound up. I let her prance to burn off some nerves. She wasn't pulling and staying right next to me, and her racehorse-going-to-the-post prance wasn't getting her more wound up.

And then the bike came.

I pulled her well over, stopped her, and encouraged her to graze. Luckily, the cyclist was very aware I had a potential horse-dragon kite, and slowed down and actually walked his bike past. We chatted while Truby STARED, and once past us, I continued home. Thank you, bike guy! You're the best.

Once we got back to the road and heading home, Truby slowed into a walk. She realized where she was, and where we were going, and I'm so proud of her for being to chill.

And the the Prime Van came.

I don't think the guy was speeding, but he certainly didn't slow down at all as he came up behind us. Luckily, we were at the corner of home road and main road and there was lots of room to get off the road. But Prime Van definitely did NOT slow down as he turned onto home road, and Truby lost her mind.


Luckily he turned down one of the first driveways and was out of sight by the time Truby got all four feet back on the ground. We headed down the road, into the rapidly setting sun. As we passed the avienda that leads to the Loop, Truby dropped her head and heaved a sigh. She knew exactly where she was. It was so familiar. She was almost home.

I let her loose in the arena for a well deserved roll, and then tucked her into her stall for the night. As I grabbed her haynet and headed to fill it, I realized I hadn't closed the door far enough. I had enough time to think "oops, I need to close that" and then Truby pushed through, and went galloping down to the turnouts where the boys were. Oh Truby.

It was really cute though. She ran right over to Cinco, and thurst her head over the gate, as if she just had to tell him all about her adventures! "She took me someplace new! It was kinda cool, and there was grass, and I got to splash in the water, but then there was a BIKE and this van tried to run me down! And I missed you!!!"

Telling Cinco about her day

Having told her tale, I was easily able to grab her and put her away (again). She grabbed a mouthful of hay, let me rub her face, and was ready for bed. We're both ready to go again. The few mistakes are easy to fix, and she's always better each time. Hooray for new adventures!

If you look carefully, you can see the trail riders

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Grand Theft: Doggo


Last week was perfect Thanksgiving weather. And by that, I mean the typical weather I grew up with! Gloomy. Bleak. Chilly, but not excitingly cold. Overcast. Dark.

Dark and cloudy
A Tucson Rarity!

I loved it! To me, that's how it should be for Thanksgiving. Dark, bleak, and cloudy. Good weather for soups with crusty bread, snuggly sweaters, and hugging shaggy ponies.

Wednesday, M and I decided to ride the Loop before the rain blew in. The barn dogs were hanging around, and we tried to keep an eye on them, so they didn't get loose. Buuuut...we got distraced by the neighbor dragging their trashcan down their pea gravel driveway, and Juno ran out with us.

I made a half hearted attempt to catch her - I was still on foot, but M usually mounts at the barn. Juno likes to play Catch-Me-If-You-Can games, so when I failed to grab her the first time, I gave up. I knew I wasn't getting a second chance!

Since Barn Owner and I has gone on the Loop with Juno before, I knew she'd stay with us. I thought about texting her just to let her know we had Jun with us, but I rarely have phone service, so I didn't bother.

We had a great ride, both ponies were a little tense, but we rode through it just fine. A bit of a sticky point when the neighbor just-out-of-sight-but-not-quite was unloading their car. Lots of children squealing, small yappy dog yapping, doors slamming, and stuff being moved around. The horses could juuuust see the commotion through the mesquite, and they certainly could hear it!

Truby thought this was a good time to wig out. But I stayed calm, talked to her, and asked M circle back and get right in front of us.

It worked great!

Once we got past that, it was a pretty chill ride. Juno stayed (mostly) with us, and was good practice for the ponies. Jun's not the best with horses, she happy, and playful, but annoying. Still, everyone got along...even when she ran right behind Cinco (seriously, she had his tail drape over her for a second) and then darted past him. Good ponies! No spooking or kicking out.

The couple times Truby started to get tense and think about panicking, I just asked M to circle Cinco back. He walks much faster than Trubs, and by coming back and circling right in front of her, he kinda "hooked up" and it made her feel secure. Plus I think his momentum took her along! It worked a treat.

Just heading toward the road, nbd

Today was also the FIRST TIME we've walked 110% of the Loop. Usually I hop off right before we come around the last corner. That's the ranch's yard, and it can be quite hectic. Horses being ridden, horses playing in turnout, barnworkers working...and sometimes lazy coyotes sleeping on the trail. But all was quiet, so we just kept going.

I say 110% because when we got back to the start of the Loop, I nonchalantly just kept going. We rode through the gate and even down the little avenue! I opted to dismount when we hit the real road, but only because it was trash day and most of the cans were still out. I think Truby would have been fine, but no need to press our luck.

Home is at the end of this road and a bit to the right

We walked up to the gate, and waited for Juno. M lagged behind to make sure she came back with us. Junie was really dragging her paws...she didn't want to fun to be over! Barn Owner saw me by the gate and called "Have you seen my dog???" I yelled back "Yup! We stole her!'

Hanging out in the driveway

When we were all back on the farm, we clustered in the driveway chatting and laughing about the adventure. BO didn't mind Juno going with us, she knew we'd take care of her! A nice way to end a fabulous ride.

 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...