Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Some Peaceful, Easy Feelings

Ponies in the morning sun

I'm loving the last week or so of barn time. Every day is warm, sunny, quiet. The ponies are soft, everyone is relaxed, and peace fills everything in between. I've been able to ride quite a few times, continuing a gentle conditioning for both Truby and I. 20 minutes of (bareback) walk work, with some attempts at lateral work and a little bit of trot for fun. 

Plus a few minutes of just looking and enjoying life.

Sunday I thought I might ride, but it was just so relaxing to sit in the sun and watch Truby amble around, looking for snacks, that I decided not to. Not a huge decision, but something just seemed to say 'just be'. I soaked up some vitamin D (without bursting into flames!), listened to the birds, and loved on Truby whenever she came over. 


Cinco's owner dragged the arena, and it's much nicer for riding in, but a bit rocky. For weeks I've been saying I need to start picking up rocks. Tuesday morning I finally started! Truby had a routine vet appointment, so I picked up rocks while I waited. Thankfully they were running pretty much on time, so I only had time to collect a bucketful.

One section down, most of the ring to go

Truby got a good report from the doctor, who said that she looked in perfect health! Truby had fun mugging treats and getting lots of attention, and I was proud of her for being reasonably well behaved. Even when begging for cookies she didn't move her feet, just nuzzled people. Cute, and minimally pesky. 

A little later I'm going to meet a friend from the old barn. We're going to drink Mount Lemonades (a play on Mount Lemon in the Catalina Mountains) which is a delicious fizzy lemonade with prickly pear flavoring, yum! We're going to chat and gossip and catch up on drama (barn drama is the BEST, at least, when it doesn't affect you personally). We're going to pet ponies and give them cookies and maybe even ride Truby a bit. 

Early fall in Tucson. It really can't be beat! (With my apologies to everyone getting hit with snowstorms right now. Just remember, you had your beautiful it's my chance to be outside! Make a snowman for me?)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Just A Nice Couple of Days

I love this view

The insanity of Thanksgiving is over for me. Since we don't have any family out here, there's no potentially stressful family gathering. Or having to prepare a big meal. Husband and I might share Thanksgiving dinner with our "Tucson Family", the folks that adopted us a bit, but we might not. Husband just started a new semester, and I'm maybe getting sick again. You know, just for fun. 

Of course, WORK and holiday insanity is a whole 'nother story. Folks. People get their pets groomed before holidays. Like, ALL OF THEM. You're not the only one that thinks, 'hey, maybe I don't want my dog to stink like a dead fish and look like an old macrame hanging when all my friends and family come over'. PLEASE PLAN AHEAD. The sheer volume of last minutes calls and overwhelming frustration and rudeness of those calling is really really hard to deal with all day, every day for weeks. The fact that it happens every year just gets really old. I've been doing this for 15 years, and believe me, I no longer care that you didn't realize Christmas is next week and your mother is in town and your dog is really gross and can't I just squeeze him in because for the tenth year in a row, you haven't figured this out yet. Sorry, all my fucks are GONE. 

Needless to say, the last week or two has been increasingly stressful as I try to do my job, do my job a little extra, and deal with the endless phone calls as cheerfully as I can. Each day last week I headed right to the barn after work for some much needed Truby Time. 

Therapy with a $400/month copay ;) 

But once I get to the barn, all that stress just melts away. Afternoons have been comfortably warm and sunny. Horses have been sleepy and happy. Truby has enjoyed lots of hugs and forehead scratches. 

A couple of days I hopped on bareback and we enjoyed a nice little ride together. Truby's been walking out with a nice forward stride. Ears up, a little sway in her step. I remembered that if I sit up and use my side abs to stabilize my back and tuck my pelvis, Truby will improve her gait, stepping more under, bringing her back up, and generally just moving nicer. 


We even did a few nice little leg yields. Which also improved her gait. What is this madness? Does anyone else know how this works?


Rare photographic evidence of me riding Truby!

One of those sunny afternoons, after our ride, Truby and I joined Cinco and his owner for a little handwalk over to the Loop Trail. It was lovely. Just one of those perfect afternoons, taking a walk with friends. Both horses really benefit from just getting off property and having a good experience (who doesn't?) Never hurts to have a short, sweet, and positive experience. Ponies even found some grasses to eat. 


After that much needed barn time, I feel relaxed again. Recharged, and like I can do it all again tomorrow. I should get a bit of a break the next week or two before Christmas Madness starts. Luckily, Truby and friends will be there. When things are stressful. When things are calm. When I really need a friend, and also when things are going well. I wish everyone had this type of accessible stress relief! I am very lucky indeed. 

...this face, lol

Happy Thanksgiving!
I have so much to be thankful for, 
and I hope you all do too <3 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Aw, Snap!

Hello! I got a baff!

It's cold! Like, real cold, not fake Tucson cold. We've had a couple chilly nights, down into the 30s, and only into the 50s during the day. Plus wind. Near constant, howling wind. It reminds me of the bitter winter wind you get when there's at least a few inches of snow on the ground, and the wind howls, blowing the snow around and maybe a bit of icy sleet.

I woke up super early this morning, and was warm and toasty, snuggled under the blankets, and listened to the wind howl outside in the dark, and pretended there was snow and ice.

With the cold snap, Truby has gotten her legs wrapped for the first time this season. I don't know if the ceramic of the Back on Track wraps do anything magical, or just keeping her legs warm and supportive is enough, but when it dips into the 30s, wrapping keeps her from getting stiff and arthritic ouchies. I love the BoT Quik Wraps because they're EASY. They go on in seconds and stay in place. Plus I can trust just about anyone to put them on, if necessary.

She's adorable

The other day she was feeling silly, and kept moving around when I went to wrap her. Finally, when I went to put on the last wrap, she power-walked out to the outside part of her stall. Obviously I'd never be able to catch her again! Ahahaha, you clever mare! Whatever shall I do?


Last week she got a bath, and it was nice to get her squeaky clean. She had been out playing in the mucky part of her stall and was filthy! So she got a double shampoo all over, plus a nice long deep condition for her tail. 

So pretty! So clean!

15 minutes later...(sob)

Of course, that lasted all of 20 minutes or so. As soon as I let her loose, she rolled long and luxuriously in the dust, making sure to get both sides. Sigh. At least she's happy? She's also gotten a new load of sand in her outside stall, which is great, but doesn't help her stay any cleaner. She's pretty cute though, so I suppose it's worth it. The trials of owning a grey horse!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


I'm back from Mexico! I had a wonderful week and enjoyed almost every minute of it. The weather was perfect, the water (the Gulf and pools) were perfect, the resort was amazing, and the people were wonderful. 10/10 will go again!

I got home late last Tuesday night, and headed to the barn Wednesday morning to see Truby. And she was mad.


I heard that Truby missed me. Whenever Cinco's mom went to give her special attention, she would come up, all excited, but then realize that it wasn't me, and then sigh and wander away. Husband went out a few times to visit, and everyone at the barn gave her extra love, but apparently it didn't take the place of me.

Which kinda makes me feel good. I'm special! My horse likes me best! Yay! But...she wasn't thrilled when I showed up after a week away. She sulked. She put her ears back. She was Moody Mare. 

I'm mad at you, so I'm gonna play with your pitchfork!
I will punish you by being adorable!

 Looking majestic 

Wednesday was Farrier Day. One of the other horses had foundered just before I left, so our farrier called in another farrier to consult. She was super friendly, knowledgeable, and fascinating to listen to. Apparently she does quite a bit of teaching as well as trimming. It was a beautiful sunny day, and all of us were there, so it was just a lovely day at the barn. Learning about feet, talking to friends, petting our ponies. What else is better?

Truby says; Yeah, this is great.

Consulting farrier teaching us to draw on hooves

Truby was so relaxed she fell asleep

Once they had finished with Primo, we of course had to have the consulting farrier look at Cowgirl and Truby, just for lolz. Truby's feet are actually pretty good (especially for being Halter bred) but she has a funky hoof from an injury to her cornary band as a weanling. I always like to hear what people have to say about it. 

At one point, the consult was trying to explain something to our regular farrier, and she sighed and said "It's hard to explain when the horse's feet aren't messed up!" A weird compliment, but hey, Truby has good feet! Who doesn't love to hear that? 

It was a fun morning at the barn, although I was pretty tired and feeling kinda sick from our travel home the day before. I continued to be sick all week, and finally gave in and saw my doctor today. She agreed that I definitely was ill, but thinks it's just some random virus I picked up while travelling. I'm bummed. If I've been sick for a whole week, I want to HAVE something. C'mon, let me have Zika or Dengue fever or something. Ah, well. Maybe next time!

Auri was happy I came home

 It took a long moment before I could even ask the question. I leaned against Truby and ran my hand along her neck, underneath her mane. ...